Latest News

Check out "Tempest Part I", just made available for streaming today!
Check out "Scattered", just made available for streaming today!
Check out "Failing Son", just made available for streaming today!
Check out "This Sundered World" on Spotify
Our debut album "This Sundered World" has been released!
The Liner Notes to our album "This Sundered World" are available!
Uploaded our latest pre-release tune "Clockwork Guardians" to the Audio page.
The album "This Sundered World" is in final production and mastering now - looking at a mid August release.

Released Now!

Corium Album

About Us

Icarus Machine
The members of Icarus Machine came together late 2015 after collaborating online over several years on various projects with each other. The members, Bill Babcock, Jenny K Brennan and Jordi Ribas, hail from all over the world: Massachusetts, United States; Ontario, Canada; all the way to Galicia, Spain.

Having discovered they were like minded about music and art, they found a common vision and desire to create something different - a project encompassing music and literature where the music was subtext for the story and vice versa.

Their first album is written around the events in a novel written alongside the music. "This Sundered World" is a steampunk inspired story about Gabriel who finds himself alone in a sundered society, a world he knows nothing about. Gabriel and the characters he encounters became the inspiration for the music and lyrics on the album.

Mother of Crow - the second book in the Sundered World Series, this novel is currently being published chapter by chapter as it is being written. Find that ongoing story at HOI Mother of Crow .

The story picks up with Frederico, a butterfly breeder in the Full Metal Monk Monastery who doesn't know what to believe anymore. There's Severin, the outcast, Mary the re-made, and a continuing trip through the sundered land. Gabriel struggles with memories and prophecies that don't add up. Mother of Crow speaks in dreams, guardians hunt for human flesh, and Gabriel wants none of it.